Sunday, September 18, 2011

Weight off my Shoulders

Literally. In my last post I talked about the little run in I had with the scale. I'm happy to report that my weight seems to have stabilized. I'm actually only up 2 lbs from where I was at the beginning of the summer. I can handle that.

This weekend was pretty uneventful. Except, I GOT MY FIRST PAY CHECK. I was told on Monday that I shouldn't expect a check this Friday, even though it was payday. They said I would get a check either next week or get paid for 3 weeks on the next payday. Well, when I got home Friday there was a UPS envelope waiting for me. Yep, they UPSed my first check to me. I am really loving this company.

Tomorrow starts another week of training, but I'm hoping by the end of the week I will be working from my desk. The training is getting a bit repetitive.

Outside of work this week is all about my Bar Fitness Application. I've got to put together a few things for the office of admissions. I'm also waiting on my first review books to arrive- so I can really get to studying.I've also got to take care of a few wedding things this week (hopefully!)- I plan to start talking about the wedding a lot more next month. When were actually 1 year out.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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